Absolutely. Our fabrication facility can handle free-issue profiles as well as profiles we’ve supplied via our partners. All we’ll need to get started are your fabrication drawings – if you’re unsure of whether you have suitable drawings, please contact us, and a member of our design and technical team will be happy to help.

CNC stands for ‘Computer numeric control’. What that means is that, instead of a particular machine being manually controlled, it’s controlled by numeric data entered into a specialist computer.

CNC machined aluminium is simply aluminium that’s been machined on a piece of equipment of this type. We have a variety of cost-effective and precise aluminium CNC machining services, including bending, drilling, milling and turning.

CNC machined aluminium is very well suited to a huge range of applications due to the properties of the material and the ease with which it can be fabricated.

As a renowned provider of beautiful and durable public seating solutions, this customer needed a wide range of extrusion, fabrication and finishing services. When we first got in touch with them, they were working with a whole host of suppliers, each delivering one aspect of the manufacturing process.

Since then, when we acted as a simple bar length supplier, we’ve expanded our partnership with this customer and now fulfil all their extrusion design, fabrication, finishing, assembly and logistics requirements.

As we project manage the entire process, the customer only has to deal with one point of contact. We’re able to provide an integrated service, with full control of project deadlines. And, because we work with a global network of suppliers, we’re able to offer consistently competitive prices and lead times, and reduce our customer’s inventory with no risk to product supply.

The detailed version

Initially, the customer took us on as a supplier of extruded aluminium bar length. But, as they continued to work with us - and their numerous other suppliers - they began to realise that our integrated range of extrusion fabrication and finishing services could be a more effective solution for their business.

Over the course of several years of collaboration, we’ve gradually taken ownership of all aspects of this customer’s projects, working with them on the design and prototyping of products to enhance their quality and functionality, taking over project and component management, providing them with a full assembly service, and holding and delivering their stock, which has reduced their inventory while maintaining a healthy flow to market.

Our stringent quality control service, and our ability to ship products anywhere in the world - complete with relevant informational inserts and branded packaging - has taken a huge task off the customer’s shoulders.

The outcome

We’ve been providing this customer with a fully managed service for some time, now, and it’s been a hugely successful collaboration.

Every aspect of their extrusion work is handled here at Edmo, resulting in an integrated approach to design, manufacture, stocking and supply that saves time, energy and money. And because we’re involved at every step, we’ve got to know what our customer needs, enabling us to foresee potential challenges, and even prevent them from occurring.

A relatively new face on the affordable hotel scene, this customer came to Edmo with a simple plan: to create a modular pod set-up for their rooms, allowing the spaces to be fitted out affordably within a matter of hours.

The project had already hit considerable problems with a previous supplier, resulting in a product that was unfit for purpose. So when the customer came to us looking for extruded profiles that had been machined and powder coated, we were able to offer much more. Our design team worked to create a functioning product, working through tolerancing issues and developing a range of bespoke, cost-saving casts and fixings.

We powder coated the components, and brought the whole collection of parts together in a customer-ready assembly kit.

The detailed version

The customer in this project came to Edmo with a host of good ideas and bad experiences. Their plan was to bring a new level of cost-effectiveness to the hotel fit-out process by creating a modular pod for their rooms, reducing the time needed for a fit-out from a number of days to a matter of hours. The pods would house the bed, electrical services, and the shower room facilities, transforming an empty space into a neat, comfortable, ready-to-rent hotel room.

The customer had previously worked with another extrusion supplier, with very poor results. The ‘completed’ product didn’t fit together: dimensions and tolerances for mating parts didn’t add up, and the machining requirements were incorrect. Despite the considerable investment, the customer decided to write off this disastrous first attempt and start again.

We were initially tasked with providing extrusion, machining and powder coating services. But, on hearing of the problems the customer had encountered, our design team worked to create a functioning product, working through the tolerancing issues and developing a range of bespoke casts and fixings, resulting in a saving of over £100k for the customer.

We applied a specialist anti-graffiti and anti-bacterial powder coating to the pod, and brought the whole collection of parts together in a customer-ready assembly kit.

The outcome

This is a project that’s full of potential. Because the pod we created for the customer is modular, there’s room for adaptation in future. The customer in this project has just been bought out by a much larger chain, which means that the extruded framework is ready to roll out across thousands of hotels.

Our competitive prices and turnkey solutions have stood us in good stead with this customer, and we look forward to working with them again in future.

CNC machining works by taking information entered into a computer and converting the data into electrical signals. These signals are transmitted to the motors within the CNC machining centre, and control the various mechanisms contained within it. The components of a CNC machining centre are able to move in extremely small increments, enabling the tools to carry out very intricate processes on the work piece – far more delicately than would be possible by hand.

It really does depend on your project. The turnaround time on our CNC machining services will depend on factors including the size of the batch, the intricacy of the machining needed, and whether or not other services (such as anodising, powder coating, vibro deburring etc.) are also required. We offer a completely bespoke service to our customers, so if turnaround times are a big factor in your project, talk to us and a member of our technical team will be able to give you an accurate time quote.

We’re proud to achieve a 99% on-target delivery standard, so you can count on us.

CNC machining processes are constantly improving, which means we’re able to achieve more precise results than ever before. Four-axis CNC machining centres can achieve tolerances of up to 0.1mm, although the specific tolerances we’ll be able to meet on your project will depend on the workpiece and the machining required.

Get in touch to find out exactly how precise our CNC machining services could be on your project.

Our range of CNC machining services for extruded aluminium profiles and components allows us to achieve extremely precise results for our customers. Using computer-aided design and our four-axis machining centres, we’re able to carry out the kind of intricate machining that wouldn’t be possible by hand. However, attention to detail is hugely important to us here at Edmo, which is why our staff are trained to work and inspect aluminium extrusion by hand. Every profile and component that leaves our premises is thoroughly inspected throughout its various machining and finishing processes, and again before it’s shipped, to ensure the best possible quality.

Yes, we have a range of computer numerical control (CNC) machines that we use to work on extruded aluminium components and profiles, including 3-axis machines and 4-axis machines. Our diverse range of equipment allows us to work on a range of shapes and surfaces, and carry out a wide variety of tooling processes, including some intricate techniques. Our 4-axis machining centres are built for this kind of precision work, functioning on a higher competency than our standard 3-axis machines.

Find out more about our range of CNC machining services.

EDMO Limited. Registered in England No. 01369366.
Registered Office: Parkway House, Unit 6, Parkway Industrial Estate, Pacific Avenue, Wednesbury, West Midlands, WS10 7WP