With the number of electric cars on Britain’s roads sky-rocketing, it’s time for the number of charging points to play a serious game of catch-up.

Britain’s growing electric fleet

Up and down the country, we’re seeing charging points for the growing number of electric vehicles on our roads springing up.

Town centre car parks, multi-storeys, service stations and supermarkets – most of us will have come across at least a few of these (infuriatingly well located!) spaces with their silver and black charging points.

Back at the beginning of 2014, there were only 500 electric vehicles registered in the UK. Fast forward to 2018 (and it has been seriously fast) and there are 170,000 electric vehicles buzzing along Britain’s roads.

There are now more than one million electric cars in Europe, a number we’re expected to reach in Britain alone by 2020, new research has found.

The report, by Emu Analytics, has found that we’ll need a staggering sixfold increase in the current number of electric vehicle charging points across the country in order to accommodate the growing electric fleet.

The current state of things

While electric vehicle charging points are a relatively common sight now, the fact is that we’re still lagging woefully behind when it comes to establishing an adequate infrastructure for green drivers.

In the UK, only 3% of supermarkets have charging points. ASDA offers the highest number, with electric charging stations at 19% of its stores. The numbers are dragged down by Tesco, however: a woeful 0.4% of its stores cater to electric vehicle drivers.

Petrol stations, crucially, are also underprepared for the electric car boom: there are only 1,500 rapid electric vehicle chargers at UK petrol stations, able to accommodate a total of 3,400 vehicles. When you compare this to the total number of petrol stations – 9,000 – each with multiple pumps, it’s obvious that something needs to change.

Electric cars: driving the demand for aluminium

With the UK government having pledged £440m to improving the infrastructure around electric vehicles, local authorities devising plans for Clean Air Zones, and the Plug-In Car Grant attracting new buyers to the electric car market every month, it’s clear that getting involved in this could mean big business.

Here at Edmo, we’re able to provide the aluminium extrusions, and fabrication and finishing services, needed by charging station manufacturers. Lightweight, hardwearing and easy to fabricate, aluminium is the preferred material for both components and the housing of electric car charging stations.

There can be no doubt, then, that the electric car revolution will drive the demand for extruded aluminium.

We invite manufacturers in the electric vehicle-related industries to visit us here at Edmo, and to discover the complete extrusion and fabrication service we can offer.

From sourcing extrusions to powder coating and shipping, we work with a global network of trusted suppliers to deliver a real ‘one-stop shop’ approach that’s competitive on speed and price.

Discover our aluminium extrusion fabrication services or contact Darren Henry to make a no-obligation appointment.

This month sees Edmo’s sales team down at the Newbury Showground, where we’ll be exhibiting as part of The Showman’s Show: the outdoor event services exhibition.

Which industries are exhibiting?

It’s fair to say that there aren’t many industries out there that can’t use aluminium extrusions in one way or another. But we’ve decided to exhibit at The Showman’s Show because of the sheer wealth of industries represented there.

This includes everything from admission booths and buggy hire to exhibition stands and equestrian display. Manufacturers and suppliers to these sectors could benefit greatly from our end-to-end extrusion solutions – and that is, of course, what we’ll be telling them over the two days we spend at the expo!

We’ll be delivering information on our various services, including:

Find out more about our aluminium extrusion, fabrication and finishing services before the show.

When it is?

The Showman’s Show is being held on Wednesday and Thursday the 17th and 18th of October.

Doors open at 9.30am on both days, closing at 5pm on Wednesday and 4.30pm on Thursday (just the tiniest nod to us exhausted exhibitors there!).

With an expected 4,500 visitors, we’re looking forward to spreading the word about our complete aluminium extrusion solutions.

If you’d like to make an appointment for a chat, please drop us a line. And don’t worry if you’d like to but can’t make the show: contact Darren Henry either way, and we’ll be happy to arrange a no obligation chat, whether at the exhibition or elsewhere.

Where is it? And where are we?

The event’s being held at Newbury Showground, Priors Court Road, Hermitage, Newbury, Berks, RG18 9QZ. It’s within easy reach of the motorway, and there’s also a complimentary bus running between the showground and the train station, for any public transport users.

If you want to come and see us there, you’ll find the Edmo team in the Exhibition Hall at Stand 99. We hope to see you there!

If you’re at all familiar with fabrication, you’ll know that a lot of processes are digitised.

It’s important to us that our customers know how things work. That way, you’re more in touch with what we do, how we do it, and how our services can help your business.

So in this blog, we’re taking a simple look at CAD / CAM – computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing – how we use them, and the benefits they offer.

What’s CAD / CAM software used for?

As the names suggest, CAD and CAM are used to aid design and manufacturing processes.

We use integrated CAD / CAM software to design products, components and tools, and to programme the machines that turn these digitised designs into physical items.

Computer-aided design

Our CAD software means we can take hand-drawn ideas and translate them into a digital image. From there, we can identify any potential problems with the design and solve them in virtual space.

Computer-aided manufacturing

CAM applications usually come later in the process – when a design has been perfected and it’s time to turn it into reality. Using our CNC machining services, for example.

CAM software takes data from the models and assemblies created by CAD software, and uses it to generate tool paths for CNC machines.

Put simply, it works out how the CNC machines can make the thing that’s been designed, whether it’s a simple extruded length or a complex component part.

The benefits of CAD / CAM

It’s hard to outline the benefits of CAD / CAM when this kind of application has been so transformative to the manufacturing industry.

But some of the key benefits of CAD / CAM when it comes to what we do here at Edmo:

How Edmo uses CAD / CAM

Ultimately, we use CAD / CAM to save time and money.

More specifically, we use SolidWorks CAD and solid modelling software to:

We monitor processing times carefully, analysing and cross checking data against our initial costings to make sure we’re achieving a competitive price. We can also upload models into the software and provide accurate quotes for manufacture.

So that’s it, in a nutshell – a basic introduction to CAD / CAM, and how we use it to offer our customers a better deal.

If you’ve got any more questions, check out our CAD FAQs or contact a member of our technical team.

The start of June saw us set up camp at Subcon 2018, located at Birmingham’s NEC. We managed to nab a stand directly opposite the entrance to Hall 3 – all the better to attract the visitors we had our eye on.

The sectors that stopped by

As always, we got to chat with folks from a huge range of sectors. Many of them are industries we’re already active in but a few new ones cropped up – always interesting to find out where extruded aluminium’s needed.

Over the course of the three days, we logged visitors to our stand from the following industries:

The best bits of Subcon

It’s no secret that we’re fans of Subcon – we’ve visited the show for a good few years on the trot – and there was plenty to praise again this year.

Special mention goes to the venue: the NEC is a brilliant central location within easy reach of new prospects and existing customers.

There’s nothing like face-to-face meetings to help us explain our extrusion and fabrication capabilities (just rolls off the tongue, doesn’t it?) and Subcon has a great atmosphere.

And, it’s clear that Subcon exhibitors have a good reputation: a number of the brands that stopped by our stand were looking to move quickly on new gigs, and were using the show to find sources for an immediate start.

Summing up

While this year’s Subcon Show wasn’t as busy as previous years, the quality of leads we gathered made up for any shortfall in footfall, so to speak.

In fact, it’s safe to say that this has been our best year so far in terms of lead quality at Subcon – we met a lot of new faces and connected with plenty of established brands that had been on our wish list for quite some time.

Since the show, we’ve been making the most of our new connections. Several of the brands who visited us at Subcon have already been for a tour of our facilities, and we’ve visited those who couldn’t come to us.

We’ve opened several new accounts as a direct result of our visit to Subcon, and we’ve got another busy couple of months seeing more of the brands we made contact with.

All in all, another great year at Subcon.

Missed us at Subcon but want to talk? Call Darren Henry on 01989 768 307 or email him at darren@edmolimited.co.uk.

Edmo’s on the road again next month. Our dashing sales team and MD will be heading to the Subcon Show — a three-day extravaganza of all things manufacturing, sub-contracting and supply chain at Birmingham’s NEC.

The largest expo of its kind in the UK, Subcon will host over 400 exhibitors, and takes place alongside The Engineer Expo for a double dose of B2B networking goodness.

Why we’re going to Subcon

With a name like, “SUBCON: THE UK’S PREMIER SUBCONTRACT MANUFACTURING SUPPLY CHAIN SHOW”, how could we not want to go? It’s basically a list of our favourite words.

The excitement’s not over, though. Subcon want you to know there’s a lot to be gained from visiting:

“Two unique industry events taking place under one roof, designed to support the UK’s engineering and manufacturing industry to help optimise business performance and plan for future success.”

It’s like every B2B buzzword squashed into a single sentence.

Luckily for them (and us), it’s also true. This is a cracking event and it’s been going 42 years, so they’re obviously doing something right. Every year we’ve attended has been better than the last.

Last year’s Subcon Show welcomed 4,306 visitors – 92% of whom came to source products or services. And if visitor numbers continue to increase at the same rate, this year should see over 5,500 attendees.

We’re looking forward to meeting and greeting as many of them as possible.

Edmo’s no-escape ethos

The first time we exhibited at Subcon, we had a small stand with a series of pop-up advertising displays and cabinets. This time, we’ve upped the ante.

We’ve invested in a bespoke exhibition space from Marsden Direct and we’re located on stand A12 directly in front of the entrance to Hall 3. Our (some say ‘panther-like’) MD and sales team will be there, poised and ready to identify interested parties.

You can expect to see Andrew, Darren, Nev, Jim and Richard at various points over the expo’s three-day duration. In addition to their native wit and charm, the guys will be showing several cases of sample extrusions, answering any questions visitors throw at them, and arranging meetings for the weeks that follow.

What the team have to say for themselves

Darren commented:

“We’ll be arriving on Monday to set up. It’s always hard to believe everything’s going to be ready for the opening of the show when you’re getting ready – there’s carpet to lay, stands to build – but everyone works late into the evening to make sure everything’s spot on.

“We’re obviously going to be promoting our extrusion and fabrication services at Subcon, but we’re also looking forward to seeing who else is exhibiting and what they’ve got to offer. We’re on the look-out for new clients and suppliers – our aim is to get talking to businesses who like what we’ve got to offer, then invite them for a look round Edmo’s facilities.

“We’ll be staying at The St Johns Hotel in Solihull again this year, which has a health club and pool. We do always bring our gym kit and good intentions, but you do have to walk past the bar to get there…”

So it’s fair to say that if any of the businesses staying around Birmingham would like to arrange a casual out-of-hours chat with any of our team, they’re unlikely to turn you down in favour of a work-out. You can contact any of the team on 01989 768 307 to organise a meeting.

So remember: Subcon Show, June 5th-7th, NEC, Hall 3, Stand A12. We look forward to seeing you there!

This month, we’re pleased to announce that we’ve been awarded ISO certification for Quality Management (ISO 9001:2015). We always knew we were fantastic, and now no one can argue.

Find out more about how brilliant we are, and what it means for our customers.

ISO 900…what now?

The ISO 9000 group relates to quality management.

Certifications under this umbrella offer guidance for brands that want to make sure that their:

Quality management standards outlined by 9000 certifications include:

Talking specifics, ISO 9001:2015 deals with quality management system when organisations:

a) need to demonstrate their ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements

b) aim to enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system, including processes for improvement of the system and the assurance of conformity to customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.

Put simply, quality end-products and happy customers. And no cheeky non-compliance.

ISO 9001-2008 and ISO 9001-2015 – what’s the difference?

ISO 9001-2008 runs out this November, leaving businesses with two choices: convert to the 2015 accreditation or let the standard expire.

But what’s the big difference between the old standard and the new one?

Risk analysis and leadership, says our Quality Manager, Paul Greening:

“In this incarnation, we’re talking not just about quality management, but about quality management systems. Really robust processes that close the gaps and keep everyone informed.

“Risk analysis is a big factor: we’re not spot-checking processes in isolation, we’re looking at risk from cradle to grave, taking into account the safety of our staff, customers, suppliers, and even members of the public.

“ISO 9001-2015 places a lot more emphasis on leadership and a top-down approach to quality management. These systems need to be at the centre of every single department in the whole Edmo business solution.

Edmo’s Quality Team

As Quality Manager, Paul led the team responsible for our recent transition from ISO 9001-2008 to ISO 9001-2015.

Working alongside our Quality Technician and Quality Assistant, Paul’s basically our chief troubleshooter. His job is to solve problems that crop up, and prevent others from occurring in the first place.

On top of that, Paul deals with the admin side of our compliance, reporting on the issues he deals with and making sure our operations stay in line with the relevant industry standards.

He monitors and evaluates operations data over time, measuring our output and monitoring our KPIs against certain designated objectives, including on-time delivery and customer satisfaction.

Ahead of the curve

In preparation for the steep transition from ISO 9001:2008 to ISO 9001:2015, we looked into training and consultancy – something that would guide us in what needed to be done.

But, we needn’t have worried. Paul and his team were on the case.

“I got a copy of the new standard from BSI and I could see almost straight away that we already complied to about 80% of what was being asked for.

“I enlisted the help of some of our younger staff members, colleagues who’ve grown up surrounded by the latest technology. We brainstormed the changes in the clauses, and identified what we needed to tweak in-house in order to reach 100% compliance.

“The BSI assessor came round for two days. By the end of the second day, we’d done enough to convert to the 2015 standard, no further improvements needed.”

The final word

Paul commented on why the new standard matters so much to us:

“This accreditation is really important to us as a customer-centric business. It reassures our customers, existing and new, that we maintain the highest standards of customer service and product quality.

“It’s natural to feel hesitant when handing over a project to a company like us. But this certification should allay any fears our customers have: we’re an organised, efficient and intuitive company with company care at our heart.”

Edmo MD Andrew Stride added (because that’s what MDs do),

“I’d like to congratulate Paul and his team on attaining the new ISO accreditation on our first attempt.

“Initially, our recent BSI audit was intended to identify the gap between our current business practices and the new, far-reaching accreditation criteria.

“But, thanks to the hard work of Paul and his team – and the wider Edmo team – to define and adhere to robust processes and procedures, the accreditation has been achieved on the first try.

“This is a brilliant achievement – well done, everyone.”

So there we are: Edmo are officially brilliant. Find out more about what we can do for your business.

Unless you’ve spent the last few years in an underground bunker, there’s very little chance you won’t have heard about servitization.

Coined way back in the 1960s, the term has come back to the fore.

As manufacturers and service-based businesses struggle to stand out from their competitors in an increasingly commodified market, customers are clamouring for an increasingly personalised service.

Servitization answers on both counts.

What is servitization?

There are plenty of definitions out there, but we like this one, by Dr Howard Lightfoot from the Operations Excellence Institute at Cranfield University:

“In recent years, more and more manufacturers are competing through a portfolio of integrated products and services.

“This is a conscious and explicit strategy for manufacturers, with the provision of product-centric services providing a main differentiating factor in the marketplace.

“And it’s this which has become known as the servitization of manufacturing.”

Lightfoot outlines three key performance areas for successful servitization:

  1. Customer intimacy: Combining in-depth customer knowledge and operational flexibility to create the most effective solution for customers.
  2. Operational excellence: Controlling processes to effectively deliver best results to customers in terms of cost, convenience, speed and quality of service.
  3. Product leadership: Selling or supplying the best product, or integrated suite of products, on the market.

Edmo: product vs service

This is one of those times when it’d be far more graceful to avoid the words “We told you so” but we totally did. Our business model has been centred on servitization since the word go.

It’s possible to take a product-centric view of what Edmo does.

Put simply, we supply our clients with fabricated and finished extruded aluminium profiles and components.

There’s nothing unique about our products. Sure, they’re as good as you’ll get, but if our only angle was “our stuff is good”, we’d have gone out of business a long time ago.

Our value isn’t just in what we supply – it’s in how we supply it.

Why we chose service…

There are a number of reasons we chose to go down the servitization route:

It sets us apart

As outlined above, our high quality extruded aluminium components weren’t enough to set us apart from our competitors. Our service-based business gives customers what they want: clever, stress-free solutions to their problems.

According to this recent study, customer experience will overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator by 2020. So we’re clearly on to something.

It’s who we are

Naff but true. We’ve been on the scene a while, and we know that being useful to our customers wins their loyalty.

Besides which, most of us are engineers – when we see problems and areas for improvement in our customers’ businesses, we actually want to help. Go figure.

It makes financial sense

Few points here. Firstly, studies shows that 86% of buyers will pay more for a better customer experience, so it makes sense for us to focus on service quality and integration.

Second: we make our customers’ lives easier and their businesses more efficient so they buy from us, not our competitors.

Third and final point: we expand our services in line with our customer requirements. We servitize in a responsive way, becoming indispensable to our existing customers.

Want to read more about servitization? Part 2 will be available to read soon. Contact us in the meantime to find out more.

You might remember from last month’s blog, our salesman Richard got a big thumbs up from one of our clients in the safety systems industry, who described Richard as “a really nice gentleman” with “excellent communication skills”

As far as we know, he wasn’t even paid for saying it, so we caught up with Richard to get his take on working as part of Edmo’s sales team.

So, Richard, tell us a bit about your background

I’ve been with Edmo just over two years.

Before that, I was the sales director at another company. I’d been there for nearly 20 years, working my way up from warehousing and distribution to sales, but I’d come to the end of what I could achieve.

I wanted to work with a company where I could offer my customers more, and Edmo fit the bill.

What does your role at Edmo involve?

My job’s split between taking care of our existing customers and looking for new business.

I’ve been in the industry a while (editor’s note: we’ll let 20 years pass as “a while”) and between me and the other guys, we’ve got some good contacts.

We’ll often hear from customers we’ve helped in the past who’ve moved on to new companies and want to work with us again. It’s a nice feeling, knowing that you’ve been remembered for doing a good job.

Is there such a thing as a typical week for you?

One of the good things about sales is that every day is different. I split my time between home and the office, as well as visiting clients and prospects.

We do the rounds every six to eight weeks for existing customers, just to make sure we’re doing everything they think we should be.

For new business, we make contact by email initially, follow up over the phone, then call in for a chat to see if we can help them out.

If we can, we invite them for a tour of Edmo’s facilities so they can see for themselves just what we can do. I like that variety – it keeps things interesting.

Is that variety the best bit of your job?

Yeah, one of the best bits. But what I also like is the positive feedback we get from customers when we’ve done a really good job for them.

People really do appreciate us getting rid of the headaches caused by them having to juggle loads of different suppliers: working with Edmo, you really do get a ‘one-stop shop’ solution.

Do you think Edmo’s complete solutions are a big draw for customers?

Yeah, that’s what most customers want: to get everything they need with the minimum hassle.

If you’re working with multiple suppliers, a delay or a problem with one of them is going to impact on all the rest.

With us, that’s not a problem. If there’s a delay, we’ll make it up: you’re not going to phone round a bunch of people then wait three weeks for the next available slot.

If there’s an issue with the end-product, you’re not going to have to listen to three different suppliers try and pin the blame on each other. We’ll know what’s happened, and we’ll sort it.

Why do you think your customers like working with you so much?

They don’t – I just slip them a bit of cash on the side to tell everyone I’m great.

But no, I like my job. I like working with people, building that connection, and being honest and up-front. Customers appreciate that.

Honesty is a big part of our job, in sales, and I don’t think too many companies can say that.

We take our lead from Andrew (Edmo’s managing director) on how we relate to customers. We’re not ‘yes men’, and we’re not here to tell customers we can help them if we can’t – we’ll try and send them in the direction of a supplier that can.

My job is to get people the solution they need. This is a small industry and word gets round. If you’re helpful – which I try to be – people remember that.

OK, let’s sum up. Who is Richard Baker, the man, the mystery, when he’s not at Edmo?

I’m an outdoorsy sort. I live with my wife and two daughters, who are seven and four, in the Forest of Dean.

It’s very rural – if you look out of our window, you can see two houses and just a load of fields. It’s lovely for the girls – they’re home-schooled, so they get to really enjoy the countryside.

Apart from me, my wife and the girls, we’ve got a dog and three lambs (Dotty, Milky and George, for the record), but who knows what we’ll end up with next.

Read about Richard’s happy safety systems customer here.

This month sees our managing director lead a team of staff on one of our regular visits to our international supply partners.

Andrew and the team will be in China’s third biggest city, Guangzhou, for around a week, setting up and monitoring processes relating to Edmo’s current and upcoming client projects.

Partnering with China

The rate of industry developments in China is staggering, and our Guangzhou supply partner’s facility is no different.

Our regular visits – usually every six to eight weeks – enable us to keep up to date with the continued investment in the plant, and the frequent improvements to existing equipment, as well as the innovations in its machinery and processes.

Before each trip, our operations team finalises an agenda, highlighting key objectives and new areas of interest at our supply partner’s facilities.

Once there, we set up and control projects in line with the standards at our UK production plants.

The control procedures and checking regimes – right down to the monitoring of individual gauges and fixtures – are all designed and controlled by us, ensuring that components produced overseas meet the same stringent measures as those in the UK.

With most of our overseas trips lasting for a week, we have enough time on the ground to not only observe new projects, but to monitor the shop floor and examine existing work throughputs to make sure operations are running as they should.

Capacity and capabilities

Guangzhou, located in the south of China, is a leading region in the country’s aluminium processing output.

Our production partner commands a 500,000 m2 site and employs a staff of around 1,500. Operational capacity is substantial, with 19 extrusion presses, processing billets ranging in size from 4” (660 tons) to 15” (7,000 tons).

The fabrication abilities on-site are comprehensive, and include CNC machining of components, anodising powder coating in a range of colours and finishes, and in-house billet and die manufacture.

What our MD had to say

Our managing director, Andrew Stride, commented on the latest trip to Guangzhou, saying:

“Dealing with the Far East is never as easy as dealing with a local source, if only because of the sheer distance and the time difference involved.

“But, properly managed and administrated, these international partnerships hold many commercial advantages.

“We’ve spent 12 years nurturing these supply routes and working closely with key partners to streamline the communication that is a vital component of successful Far Eastern supply.

“Not only do we have dedicated staff who administer all aspects of ordering, scheduling and expediting, but throughout the structure, we have closely forged links that allow us to put our name to the product and processes. 

“As such, our overseas partners are simply an extension of our UK facilities in both their methodology and mindset. We look forward to this latest trip, and to continuing to develop and cement the personal relationships we enjoy with our Guangzhou supplier.”

If there’s one thing you can say for Edmo, it’s that we’re determined.

When we know our end-to-end solutions are going to make your life a lot easier, we’ll do our best to convince you. And do you know what else? We love it when we’re right.

We’d had a particular company in our sights for over a year. A leading name in the safety solutions industry, this company was making heavy work of something that should’ve been a lot easier: sourcing fabricated aluminium extrusions.

When we first encountered them, the company was:

The extruded aluminium was being transported from the supplier to this company, then to the fabricator, back to the company, off to the welder, and finally back to the company for completion.

A logistics nightmare, and an expensive, time-consuming one at that.

Edmo’s end-to-end solution

We reached out to the company, explaining the benefits of our turnkey extrusion solutions to the manager in charge of ordering materials.

Happily, this is the kind of company that appreciates savings in time, effort and money (our favourite kind of company) so we’re now working with them to deliver a far more streamlined solution.

Extruded aluminium is being produced by our expert partners in China, before being shipped here to Edmo.

With our in-house capabilities, we’re able to:

The results…

Now, instead of being shipped to various locations – with every stop on the journey painstakingly coordinated by our customer – the fabricated aluminium extrusions are sent directly to us.

They undergo every necessary process, all project managed by our team, and are transported to our customer when complete. Nice and simple.

Just as we promised (not that we’re bragging…) our customer is extremely happy with the service they’re receiving from Edmo.

We’ve reduced their supply chain, cut out the middle men profit centres and transport costs, and provided them with a top quality bespoke extrusion on a consistently quick turnaround.

What the client had to say

James, the manufacturing manager at our client company, commented on the service we deliver:

“When Edmo approached us to propose working together, we immediately got a good impression. This is a really sound company offering us the product we need at a good price.

“We’re very happy with the service we’ve received – everything’s been spot on. There are great quality systems in place, we get a fantastic product, and any issues get rectified immediately.

“The service I get from Richard – our designated contact – is very good. He’s got excellent communication skills, and he’s a really nice gentleman.”

Need extruded aluminium falsework or panels?

The reason we share case studies and stories here on the blog is to give our potential customers an idea of the kind of results we could achieve for them.

For this customer, we’re supplying:

If you’re in a similar situation and you’re fed up of outsourcing to multiple parties, managing the project and dealing with the inflated costs, talk to us.

We can streamline your supply chain, and manage your project so you can concentrate on what you do best: running your business.

EDMO Limited. Registered in England No. 01369366.
Registered Office: Parkway House, Unit 6, Parkway Industrial Estate, Pacific Avenue, Wednesbury, West Midlands, WS10 7WP